
“Flügelkämpfe” (Factional Fight) is focused on the protagonists of the gay rights movement of the 1970s and 1980s who played a significant role in the struggle for equality and visibility for the LGBT community and who were champions of a diverse queer community.
These portraits are aimed at showing the individuality of the people who fought for their rights. They are artists, radicals, revolutionaries, visionaries, queers and kooks.

Ongoing work.

from top to bottom: Tima, die Göttliche, Norbert Heuler, Martin Dannecker, Matthias Frings, Tim Lienhard, Wieland Speck, BeV StroganoV, Gerd Paul, Rainer Marbach, Manuela Kay, Nora Eckert, Ichgola Androgyn, Rinaldo Hopf, Wolfgang Theis and Bernd Gaiser